Monday, December 22, 2008

A Valid Point

Okay, so that last blog was a little over the top. However, I do have a valid point. Women need to be able to stand on their own two feet. If anything were to happen to their boyfriend/husband or if they never have the option to marry then what? Independence and knowledge are key ingredients to the modern life. Do I believe in true love? Yes, true love is something that is nourished and grows. It is the reason people live and breath. I also believe that true love doesn't just come once in a lifetime or that there is a certain "one" for each of us. I believe that we each have many chances for true love to develop but it is the circumstances under which we are that dictate that true love's potential. Choice is a key player in life and often the choices of others affect our circumstance, which in turn affect love. Am I saying that love is conditional? No, I am saying that the potential for true love is conditional. Life is a game board and we are the pawns. On the game board of life, real life, sometimes we share the same square/space with someone else, sometimes we move backwards, sometimes we move forward and sometimes we lose a turn but in this game we are all winners.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Anyone who thinks that long distant relationships will work are totally wrong. Anyone who thinks that guys are worth getting all mixed up about are wrong. Why waste our time, ladies? Lets be all we can be. Lets prove to these men that we are worth something without them. Men would be nothing with out us. Men wouldn't even exist without a mother to bring them into the world. There is only one thing that men are good for and that is taking out the trash. Everything else we can do ourselves, have machines for and we even have B.o.b. Why don't women rule the country... because we let the men think that they are important. We have better things to do. So lets focus on ourselves and not worry about men or love or any thing else the old people tell us that we should be worrying about and LIVE OUR LIFES!