Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The miracle of service is great. I have had the opportunity to understand that service sometimes helps the person giving the service more than the person being served. It is a wonderful experience to help someone in need. That is why I want to do something with my life that helps people. I want to feel like I am doing more than sitting at a desk all day. hopefully that chance will come my way...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Midnight Salt Lake Part 1

Once upon a time... Ashli and a couple friends decided to take a midnight trip to Salt Lake City. So they hopped into Andrea's car and off they drove. Their first stop was a point so high that you could see the entire city but as to not disturb the people that lived in the house nearby they quietly left the beautiful site. Then they traveled to Temple Square where they played around with taking pictures... and this one of them.... Isn't it pretty?

To be continued...

Frustrating Facts

I am fairly irritated right now. I love gift cards... but only when they work. It is frustrating when you think that you have money on a card and it says you don't. I don't understand why gift cards are so faulty. This is a frustrating trend that tends to find its way throughout the world. This has also happened to me more than once. One time it happened while at an expensive restaurant. And that is embarrassing, to have the manager of the restaurant come to you and tell you that your gift card has a zero balance especially when it was just given to you not long before and you hadn't used it before.
I am also frustrated because I have not found a job at this moment in time. I do have an interview today and hopefully that goes well. I really need a good paying job.
Also, yesterday I found out that my bathtub is leaking into the apartment downstairs! So the landlord had to come yesterday and see what was wrong. Apparently when he did his tests it wasn't leaking. So we shall see. I took a shower today and have yet to hear anything. Hopefully there really isn't anything wrong but knowing my luck there probably is.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Some people wanted me to post more pictures... so here are some:

Erin and Ashli at being weird while on our trip to St. Anthony Sand Dunes.

Nick and Ashli while on a trip... honestly I don't remember where we were... but I think it was the sand dunes

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mysterious God

Even though at times it seems like our prayers go unanswered - they are not. God is mysterious in the way that He directs our lives. Often it is us who is causing the hangup. We need to evaluate our lives and our desires. God is waiting or us to become more like Him. I have had a revelation today that I have more strength, power and understanding than I realized. Life is greater than I thought possible.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I feel like blogging to day but I also feel no inspiration. My jewelry making "business" has been doing better than I thought which is really good. However, that is just a side job to keep my hands busy while I have nothing else to do. I have been job searching which is not my favorite thing to do. I want a job that I will like myself for and feel like I am helping people better their lives. Or doing something that they cannot really do for themselves.