Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I Wish...

This is Ginger. If I could have pets and had the money to adopt her I would in a heart beat! She is so cute and perfect. And I want a dog so much... Callista said that she looks like an Ewok from Star Wars but that is ok with me cuz I always thought they were cute and wanted one. I think she looks like a teddy bear... She does have a fault though, she doesn't get along well with children. But that isn't a problem for me cuz I don't have kids. :)

This Post Is Titleless...

Today while trying to parallel park, I managed to hit the curb (which is more like a foot wall than a curb.) Now my car has a nice scrape on the rear bumper. :( ...
Anyway, that is how unlucky my luck is. I manage to find a close parking spot to institute and I have a crappy time parking in it. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to squeeze my car into that small of a space but I did it and I guess all is well but it is still frustrating.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oh that wretched reality!

I really have nothing inspiring to say today but I feel like writing... I just don't know about what. I think I need a nice, long, relaxing vacation somewhere warm. I'm visualizing luscious green grass and a lawn chair with a glass of ice cold lemonade and a good mystery novel... Somewhere where I can go barefoot or at least wear flipflops... where I can get a massage... But alas I have to come back to reality where I am a servant/prisoner of my debts and cannot afford to take such a vacation. :(

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I have been working on family history and really love it. It makes my day go so much better and makes things seem a little more worth while. I have also realized that you can't take anything for granted and that anything that happens, no matter how small a deal it seems to you, can impact people for generations.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Need Space!

Well, I have decided to de-junk and get rid of things that I don't need/want. It is harder than it sounds but I am going to do it. I hate not having space to put all my junk so a simple solution is to get rid of it, right? I did get my living room semi-clean. Now I just have the unpleasant task of sorting through stacks of papers that I have been neglecting forever... I guess, its spring cleaning time. Maybe I'm just getting antsy because I haven't been able to go outside and lay on the grass or wear flipflops. (Which, by the way, I am wearing today even though there is still some snow but it is warm so why not?) Good luck to everyone else who is spring cleaning as well. I guess we just have to remember that cleanliness is next to Godliness. :D