Monday, July 12, 2010

Conquerers of the West...

Today I have been studying and working on family history. There is so much to find and learn. So at the library I was looking at the books relating to pioneer heritage and I found a couple books to help me. Yay! Not many people share my excitement and enthusiasm over finding a name or a date but to me it is one of the most amazing things ever! So off I go to do my dishes and then settle down with this book...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Wonderfully, Awsome, Amazing, Busy Weekend...

On Friday, Micheal and Natasha got married. It was a very nice, simple ceremony and they looked beautiful. Congrats to them in the future (cuz we all know it's not easy.)
Yesterday, I hung out with my Uncle Eric again. I seem to be doing that a lot on weekends. We have fun even if we aren't doing anything fantastically amazing. We delivered a load of fire wood. Then we moved a half ton bale out of the hay shed (cuz Grandpa told us to) with only my superwoman strength, his man power and cables and pulleys! I made fun of his man power and his awesomeness so he said that I have moved down on the list and I am now his second favorite person in the world. :( Sad!
And Happy Birthday, Devin! Wahoo! He will be 15 on Tues, July 13th... Man, they grow up so fast...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Um... Yeah!

It has been a while since I have posted but I guess that is what happens when life gets a little busy and other things take priority. I have been working and doing family history. I love working on family history and I have been doing more of that lately. anyway, so much is going on but at the moment I am falling asleep. So I will have to say that sleep is a bigger priority... Sorry.