Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Single Awareness Day!

I have decided that being single gives me the right to fully detest Valentines Day. However, it is a good excuse for me and my single friends to hang out, watch sappy movies and eat junk food. But I am pretty sure we would have done that anyway because it is Callista's birthday today. Yay for another year older and wiser, too! Anyway, Valentines Day is one of the stupidest holidays ever and it is something that I have come to call Single Awareness Day. If you can't tell your significant other that you love them the other 364 days of the year what is one stupid holiday gonna matter? Now that I have gotten my bitterness about V-Day out I feel much better. So for all you that are happily in a relationship, whatever it's status, Happy Valentines Day and for all that are like me, still waiting for Price Charming, Happy Single Awareness Day! :D

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Random thought for the day from institute...
"You do not want to marry a foolish Mormon!"

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My New Hair...

So in an effort to hide the dark line that ran around my head from a dye job gone wrong I now have blond highlights... What do ya think? (the pics not the greatest but it works)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Campus Life or Lack There Of

I love going to institute. I am taking a New Testament class and it is great. I kinda miss going to school but one institute class twice a week is enough for me right now. I don't think I am up to going back to school. I don't miss the stress one bit. I am also going to lose weight walking up and down Old Main Hill to get to class. Yippee! Hooray for crappy free parking!