Sunday, March 29, 2009


So it is so good to go back to church. I love it. I love reading the bible dictionary. In reading about faith today, I gained a greater understanding about the gifts of God. Faith is a gift. My favorite thing about faith is that it is a principle of action. "True faith always moves its possessor to some kind of physical and mental action."

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Love Affair

i really liked this andy warhol image. just thought that i would share.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Confusing Emotions

What is true love? And how do we know when we find it? Some have said that love is fake. Some say that love is real and great. What are we to believe?

Friday, March 13, 2009


I have heard dieing described as the easy part of life. Could it be true? Is it so easy to leave the world behind and move on to another place, another journey?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Little Miss Shrink

I should start charging people for my advise. It is funny the little things that people worry about and even the people that can't get out of the high school drama. What is the deal with making up lies about one another? What is the deal with letting your parents run your life when you are an adult? Why do we let others tell us what we can and can't do? We need to grow up and take responsibility for ourselves. Fix what you want fixed... change what you want changed... We can do it. Humans are capable of more than they want to believe.