Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas was... YESTERDAY?!

This year Christmas didn't feel right. Oh well... Another year is almost done and gone. Time for a new one to start with new goals, hopes and dreams! Maybe I can find the "Spirit" of Christmas even though the holiday is past.
Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday season!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Are We a Thankful People?

So I am seriously wondering were Thanksgiving has gone. I walk around the stores and I see Christmas every where. We have Halloween and then... Christmas? Really, people?! I guess Thanksgiving isn't marketable enough.
Originally, Thanksgiving is a day to show gratitude for that which we are thankful; our friendships, our family, our gracious God and how blessed we are every day. What a beautiful meaning for a holiday! And what have we reduced it to? A day where we eat tons of food and watch football?
I personally thank God for all that He has blessed me with. I am blessed everyday with friends and family who care about me. I have a job which provides a way for me to provide for myself. I have a car that runs. I have a roof over my head and food in my belly. And I am grateful that we can take a few moments of our day to remember the real meanings for our holidays.
So... Let us be a thankful people.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Need a good read?...

Just finished a super good book! Its good for anyone who wants to read gripping, mysterious, romantic, LDS novel.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Something New and Different...

So I decided that I need to do something new and different... Its not what I had originally thought it would be but we will see what God has in store for me in the near future. :D

Monday, July 12, 2010

Conquerers of the West...

Today I have been studying and working on family history. There is so much to find and learn. So at the library I was looking at the books relating to pioneer heritage and I found a couple books to help me. Yay! Not many people share my excitement and enthusiasm over finding a name or a date but to me it is one of the most amazing things ever! So off I go to do my dishes and then settle down with this book...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Wonderfully, Awsome, Amazing, Busy Weekend...

On Friday, Micheal and Natasha got married. It was a very nice, simple ceremony and they looked beautiful. Congrats to them in the future (cuz we all know it's not easy.)
Yesterday, I hung out with my Uncle Eric again. I seem to be doing that a lot on weekends. We have fun even if we aren't doing anything fantastically amazing. We delivered a load of fire wood. Then we moved a half ton bale out of the hay shed (cuz Grandpa told us to) with only my superwoman strength, his man power and cables and pulleys! I made fun of his man power and his awesomeness so he said that I have moved down on the list and I am now his second favorite person in the world. :( Sad!
And Happy Birthday, Devin! Wahoo! He will be 15 on Tues, July 13th... Man, they grow up so fast...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Um... Yeah!

It has been a while since I have posted but I guess that is what happens when life gets a little busy and other things take priority. I have been working and doing family history. I love working on family history and I have been doing more of that lately. anyway, so much is going on but at the moment I am falling asleep. So I will have to say that sleep is a bigger priority... Sorry.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Nazi Officer's Wife

I have been reading a book called "The Nazi Officer's Wife: How one Jewish woman survived the Holocaust." It is really interesting to read the things that Edith Hahn Beer has to say about her life during the World War 2 era. There is a part in the book that I really found interesting. It was 1933, Edith and some of her friends were having a political discussion about whether to fear Hilter and his ideas. She made the comment, "I have read Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" and also some works by his colleague Herr Alfred Rosenberg because I am a fair-minded, objective person and I believe one should always hear out all sides before making a decision, and so I can tell you from firsthand knowledge that these men are idiots. Their ideas about how to Jews have poisoned their so-called superior Aryan race and caused all of Germany's troubles are utter nonsense. No intelligent person could possibly believe them. Hitler is laughable. He will soon disappear."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Creative Imagination...

Our Only Redeemer

He will take your heart of sorrow,
He will take your heart of pain,
So that you can love again.
In His wounded hands He'll hold you,
Calm the darkest, darkest nights.
He loves you and knows your name.
He is Christ, Son of the Living God,
And through those bitter, cold times,
Just remember His name,
Pray for strength to keep on fighting
Because Eternity is yours to claim.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Matter of Life and Death

General Conference was phenomenal! Its a good thing that I took notes because there is no way I could remember everything that I wanted to otherwise. I loved President Monson's talk. He is an amazing man. He said something like: "to understand the meaning of death, we have to understand the purpose of life." Wow! So what is the purpose of life? What does life mean to you? Hmm... Maybe its something we should all think about?!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I Wish...

This is Ginger. If I could have pets and had the money to adopt her I would in a heart beat! She is so cute and perfect. And I want a dog so much... Callista said that she looks like an Ewok from Star Wars but that is ok with me cuz I always thought they were cute and wanted one. I think she looks like a teddy bear... She does have a fault though, she doesn't get along well with children. But that isn't a problem for me cuz I don't have kids. :)

This Post Is Titleless...

Today while trying to parallel park, I managed to hit the curb (which is more like a foot wall than a curb.) Now my car has a nice scrape on the rear bumper. :( ...
Anyway, that is how unlucky my luck is. I manage to find a close parking spot to institute and I have a crappy time parking in it. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to squeeze my car into that small of a space but I did it and I guess all is well but it is still frustrating.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oh that wretched reality!

I really have nothing inspiring to say today but I feel like writing... I just don't know about what. I think I need a nice, long, relaxing vacation somewhere warm. I'm visualizing luscious green grass and a lawn chair with a glass of ice cold lemonade and a good mystery novel... Somewhere where I can go barefoot or at least wear flipflops... where I can get a massage... But alas I have to come back to reality where I am a servant/prisoner of my debts and cannot afford to take such a vacation. :(

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I have been working on family history and really love it. It makes my day go so much better and makes things seem a little more worth while. I have also realized that you can't take anything for granted and that anything that happens, no matter how small a deal it seems to you, can impact people for generations.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Need Space!

Well, I have decided to de-junk and get rid of things that I don't need/want. It is harder than it sounds but I am going to do it. I hate not having space to put all my junk so a simple solution is to get rid of it, right? I did get my living room semi-clean. Now I just have the unpleasant task of sorting through stacks of papers that I have been neglecting forever... I guess, its spring cleaning time. Maybe I'm just getting antsy because I haven't been able to go outside and lay on the grass or wear flipflops. (Which, by the way, I am wearing today even though there is still some snow but it is warm so why not?) Good luck to everyone else who is spring cleaning as well. I guess we just have to remember that cleanliness is next to Godliness. :D

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Single Awareness Day!

I have decided that being single gives me the right to fully detest Valentines Day. However, it is a good excuse for me and my single friends to hang out, watch sappy movies and eat junk food. But I am pretty sure we would have done that anyway because it is Callista's birthday today. Yay for another year older and wiser, too! Anyway, Valentines Day is one of the stupidest holidays ever and it is something that I have come to call Single Awareness Day. If you can't tell your significant other that you love them the other 364 days of the year what is one stupid holiday gonna matter? Now that I have gotten my bitterness about V-Day out I feel much better. So for all you that are happily in a relationship, whatever it's status, Happy Valentines Day and for all that are like me, still waiting for Price Charming, Happy Single Awareness Day! :D

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Random thought for the day from institute...
"You do not want to marry a foolish Mormon!"

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My New Hair...

So in an effort to hide the dark line that ran around my head from a dye job gone wrong I now have blond highlights... What do ya think? (the pics not the greatest but it works)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Campus Life or Lack There Of

I love going to institute. I am taking a New Testament class and it is great. I kinda miss going to school but one institute class twice a week is enough for me right now. I don't think I am up to going back to school. I don't miss the stress one bit. I am also going to lose weight walking up and down Old Main Hill to get to class. Yippee! Hooray for crappy free parking!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Fur Children

Christmas weekend I dog sat for some friends of mine while they celebrated their anniversary. It was nice because it was kinda like a mini-vacation for me as well. It was nice to be able to be around animals because I really miss it. If I could have a puppy in my apartment, I would in a heart beat but of course the only pet that I can have is a fish. However, you can't pet a fish, a fish can't sleep with you, a fish isn't a very comforting pet so I have no pet.
Anyway... here are pics of the "fur children" as they are called... (Bruno is my favorite because he is a very mellow dog.)
