Friday, November 19, 2010

Are We a Thankful People?

So I am seriously wondering were Thanksgiving has gone. I walk around the stores and I see Christmas every where. We have Halloween and then... Christmas? Really, people?! I guess Thanksgiving isn't marketable enough.
Originally, Thanksgiving is a day to show gratitude for that which we are thankful; our friendships, our family, our gracious God and how blessed we are every day. What a beautiful meaning for a holiday! And what have we reduced it to? A day where we eat tons of food and watch football?
I personally thank God for all that He has blessed me with. I am blessed everyday with friends and family who care about me. I have a job which provides a way for me to provide for myself. I have a car that runs. I have a roof over my head and food in my belly. And I am grateful that we can take a few moments of our day to remember the real meanings for our holidays.
So... Let us be a thankful people.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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