Friday, July 18, 2008

America's People

We live in such a time that we can find information on pretty much anything we want. We live in a world were people are living instead of dieing because we have amazing technology and medicine. We are a blessed generation. So why do we take if for granted? Why do we become lazy and ungrateful for the many things that we have been blessed with? As a society we have become lazy and selfish in our habits and lifestyles. So much of what we have is wasted. The average American citizen generates 52 tons of garbage by the age 75. American's throw out 200,000 tons of edible food daily. The average American uses as much energy as 370 Ethiopians! Wow! Another fact that I found interesting is that there are more shopping malls in the United States than there are high schools. What are we teaching our children? Who are the role models for tomorrow's leaders? Do we really take pride in knowing that America's children are looking up to people like Brittany Spears and Lindsey Lohan? We must stand up for ourselves and for the children. We need to remember how to work and be successful. We need to remember some of those "old time" values and become a note worthy people.

For references and more stats check out:,, and

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