Monday, September 28, 2009

My new amazing calling!!!

So a couple weeks ago I got a calling in my ward. It is pretty exciting and much needed for me to grow spiritually and get to know more people in my ward. I have been in my singles ward for over a year and still don't really know a lot of people. That is slowly changing however. So my calling is to be the Sacrament Meeting Program Coordinator... What a long title for a not very big calling. I get to type, print and pass out the bulletin every Sunday. It is kind of a challenge to see how everything is going to work together because I don't have the internet in my apartment and my printer doesn't work. Thank goodness that there is a library close by and that my parents are fairly close if all else fails. I am actually grateful for my calling. I really enjoy it and I get to use my schooling in some aspect of my life... even if it is a small aspect. I was so proud of how great yesterdays bulletin looked. It made my day. Yesterday was a good Sunday. I love feeling the Spirit and having happy feeling all day long. The Gospel is AMAZING!

1 comment:

Sheila C. said...

That is going to be an awesome calling for you!!! Not only can you use some of the things you have learned in school you will have an oppertunity to talk to a lot of people. And you are going to have to coolest bullitins in the whole church!