Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday, Monday!

Blah... It's Monday. The only thing exciting about today is that for FHE my ward is having a dinner and an auction. It is going to be great. Who could resist free dinner from Texas Roadhouse? The auction is to collect canned goods for the food pantry. Ya know it doesn't feel like it should be the Christmas season yet. But it is here yet again. One more year down and I am still just as confused about life as I was before. Well, that is enough of my random rambling, I had better get on with the rest of my boring day. TTFN!


Robyn Heirtzler said...

I just stumbled on your blog and wanted to write you a quick thank you for posting my book as one of your favorites. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Anonymous said...

Hope you had fun @ FHE :) It is crazy that the year is almost over, what happened to the last 11 months?